De Mouvement Arbre-Évolution
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* Name: DataTables.js
* Author: KockaAdmiralac <>
* Description: Loads CSS and JavaScript from and
* initializes all tables with the `datatable` class as data tables
(function($, mw) {
'use strict';
var initialized = false, queue = [];
function process($content) {
$content.find('.datatable:not(.datatable-loaded)').each(function() {
language: {
info: 'Showing page _PAGE_ of _PAGES_',
infoEmpty: 'No records available',
infoFiltered: '(filtered from _MAX_ total records)',
lengthMenu: 'Display _MENU_ records per page',
zeroRecords: 'Nothing found - sorry'
var $table = $(this).addClass('datatable-loaded'),
$tableHeader = $('<thead>');
$table.find('> tbody > tr').first().appendTo($tableHeader);
function initialize($content) {
if (initialized) {
} else {
mw.loader.load('', 'text/css');
mw.loader.getScript('').then(function() {
initialized = true;
})(jQuery, mediaWiki);